Sunday, October 9, 2011

Seahawks Vs. Giants: On My Timeline

Durring the Seahawks/Giants game that took place on Sunday, October 9th, I was providing a steady stream of Facebook status updates as a running play-by-play and commentary. Here are all of those updates, listed in chronological order, along with accompanying photos from Yahoo Sports and


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Real Steel - Movie Review

"Hey, look! It's Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em, Robots!"

That seems to be the first thought people have when they see the trailer for this movie as most kids have had some version of the classic robot boxing toy. I know my brother and I had ours and this movie takes the concept of robots duking it out and gives it a high tech makeover that has the perfect one-two punch combination of stunning visuals and the classic inspirational sports story. This is rags to richest at its finest in the tradition of Rocky and The Karate Kid (the original) and there is no shortage of moments that will tug at the heart strings mixed in with lots of fiercely intense robot battles.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Debt - Movie Review

The debt is a classic tale of espionage and intrigue set primarily in 1960's Berlin and is full of suspense along with several surprising twists and turns. You have three reluctant but extremely dedicated heroes and their brilliantly mad adversary who is at times on the level of Hannibal Lechter when it comes to creepy villainy. I enjoyed watching this movie as it doesn't try to force feed the story to the audience and also does a great job of weaving through plot lines that are revealed over two different time lines.

Star Wars: "Noooooo!!!!"

After watching the Star Wars saga on Blu Ray, I am pretty indifferent to the changes George Lucas continues to make to his movies every time they are released in a new format. Most of the changes are pretty minor and have little impact on the story although taking the terrible "Nooooo!!!" Darth Vader moment from Epsiode 3 and recreating it in the climactic scene of Return of the Jedi is a bit much. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check the videos below.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Machine Gun Preacher - Movie Review

First I would like to say thank you to the Seattle International Film Festival for presenting a special preview screening of this film and for bringing in Sam Childers and screenwriter Jason Keller for a post movie Q&A.

Machine Gun Preacher is based on the true story of Sam Childers as he goes from heroin addicted drug dealer and all around trouble maker to becoming a major force in protecting children and families from violence bordering on genocide in the heart of war ravaged Sudan. When I very first heard the name of this movie, my instant reaction without knowing any story details was that this would fall in to the same category as Hobo With a Shotgun and Machete which were very stylized Grindhouse movies that play for cheap thrills and indulgence. This movie turned out to be about as different as could possibly be and surprised me in several different ways.

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