Monday, May 27, 2019

Funke - SIFF 2019 Documentary Review

The Documentary: Funke

The Director: Gab Taraboulsy

The Story: When prodigious chef Evan Funke inexplicably walks away from his critically acclaimed restaurant his life and career are thrust into a dark vortex. Years later, still healing from the pain of emotional and financial ruin, Evan begins mounting his comeback.

The Review:
Here is your warning. Do not go into this movie on an empty stomach! The endless stream of delectable pasta dishes on display are so vibrant and tantalizing, you almost forget there is a story being told as well. Chef Evan Funke has had an interesting journey through both success and failure but what is always present is his passion for pasta and promise of perfection no matter the cost. This high powered combination is sometimes volatile but never compromising in quality and years of training have put the man at the top of his game.

I feel like this documentary is important because it shows just how much of a struggle opening and running any kind of restaurant can be and those efforts are often taken for granted. Director Gab Taraboulsy does a great job at showing the good and bad about his subject so we can truly understand where he is coming from. When we take a moment to appreciate the efforts, especially when it comes to Funke's obsession with hand made pastas, we begin to see the love and care that goes into every dish, embodies every menu, and translates to a truly satisfying experience.

Funke is an official selection of the 2019 Seattle International Film Festival.

To see more reviews, interviews and festival coverage please go to:

TwoOhSix at SIFF 2019

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