Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Anonymous - Movie Review

Normally when the name Roland Emmerich is attached to a film, you can expect to see a blockbuster sized spectacle that pushes the boundaries of what can be done visually on a movie screen. Pictures like 2012, Universal Soldier, and Independence day are prime examples of Emmerich's style so he would be the last person you would expect to take on a political thriller/period piece that tries to bring light to the theory that William Shakespeare was not really the author of the works he is known for.

Two Oh Six Movie Crew Event: Ghostbusters

The Yelp Movie Crew is back and this time around we are revisiting one of the all time classics...Ghostbusters! Details are on the Yelp event page which can be found clicking HERE.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Paranormal Activity 3 - Movie Review

This series has been very polarizing as people either love the intensity and scares, or they just can't stand the "found footage" type of film making. Either way, the first two movies have gone on to become huge hits at the box office. Each being made on a shoestring budget and raking in millions of dollars has guaranteed that we will keep seeing Paranormal Activity during the month of October for years to come. How long can the story be milked? This third installment leaves some the history untold and may eventually branch out from Katie and Kristie's family.

The Hot List