Friday, October 21, 2011

The Artist - Movie Review

'The Artist' begins in 1927 during the heyday of silent films and follows the lives of two people as Hollywood begins to transition in to an era of sound. One is in danger of being left behind while the other becomes an overnight sensation and, although their stories are intertwined, they are constantly being pulled apart by both time and technology.

This movie is primarily a love story but is also so many other things that, by the time the credits role, you realize you are appropriately at a loss for words when trying to describe such a beautifully crafted silent movie.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Margin Call - Movie Review

One look at the cast of this movie and you feel like you are guaranteed to see a great film...I mean, look at all those heavy hitters from Kevin Spacey to Jeremy Freakin' Irons! Would the story be able to hold up its end of the bargain and deliver material worthy of all this talent or would their skills be wasted on a bland, boring, and soon to be forgotten tale? First, I will tell you a bit about the story before you decide if it is worthy of your attention.

Hunger (2008) - Movie Review

Hunger is based on the true story of Bobby Sands as he leads a group of Irish Republicans on a hunger strike while being held in a Northern Irish prison. The main reason to watch this film would be to see the performance given by rising star Michael Fassbender. This is a very intense and powerful exhibition that shows just what he can be capable of in addition to playing larger scale blockbuster roles.

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