Sunday, November 17, 2019

Signal 100 / シグナル100 - 2019 Hawaii International Film Festival Movie Review

The Movie: Signal 100 / シグナル100

The Director: Lisa Takeba

The Cast: Kanna Hashimoto, Yuta Koseki and Toshiki Seto

The Story: A group of high school students are forced into a game where they are hypnotized to commit suicide on an unknown command. Where no one is safe from a sudden death, how can they avoid their fates?

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Blood Machines - 2019 Hawaii International Film Festival Movie Review

The Movie: Blood Machines

The Director: Seth Ickerman

The Cast: Elisa Lasowski, Anders Heinrichsen, Christian Erickson, Natasha Cashman, Joëlle Berckmans, Noémie Stevens, Alexandra Flandrin, Garance Silve and Walter Dickerson

The Story: An artificial intelligence escapes her spaceship to turn into a female ghost and challenges two blade runners to a galactic chase.

The Serengeti Rules - Documentary Review

The Documentary: The Serengeti Rules

The Director: Nicolas Brown

The Story: Exploring some of the most remote and spectacular places on Earth, five pioneering scientists make surprising discoveries that flip our understanding of nature on its head, and offer new hope for restoring our world.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Moon Hotel Kabul - 2019 Romanian Film Festival Movie Review

The Movie: Moon Hotel Kabul

The Director: Anca Damian

The Cast: Florin Piersic Jr., Florin Ghioca, Alexandru Nagy, Rodica Negrea

The Story: An investigative journalist who bends the truth finds his reality shaken after a translator who he had a one night stand with ends up dead the following day.

TwoOhSix Picks - 2019 GeekGirlCon

GeekGirlCon is a really fun convention in downtown Seattle that focuses on empowering women and girls to pursue their passions all within the context of geek culture. There are panels, vendors, exhibits, and all kinds of stuff for people to do all in a safe and inclusive environment that anyone would enjoy. Here is my TwoOhSix Picks list of the things you don't want to miss while you're there.

The Hot List