Saturday, February 25, 2012

2011 Movie of the Year

2011 had no shortage of quality movies, from big time blockbusters to smaller, relatively unknown features and I was fortunate enough to see so many of them (and even a few not so good ones) in the theaters.

For me, the main indicator of a movie's quality is the emotion that I feel as I am walking out of the theater as well as how long the movie sticks with me after seeing it. Some fade away very quickly and others have me dwelling on them for days, weeks, and sometimes longer. There are also a select few that I walk away from immediately wanting to see them again and wanting to know more about the people and places I just saw.

These are the ones that I remember as my favorites and each year there is one memorable movie in particular that manages to stand above the rest. With all of that being said and without any further delay, the winner of the first ever 'Two Oh Six: Movie of the Year' award goes to...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Help - Movie Review

For a movie like 'The Help' to work, the cast would need to be spot on perfect and their portrayals of each character would have to be carefully crafted to avoid falling in to cliche and stereotype. For the most part, the actors succeed at pulling this off and what we are given is a heartfelt portrayal of a turbulent time for women of all races and classes.

The Hot List