Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Blood Quantum - Movie Review

The Movie: Blood Quantum

The Director: Jeff Barnaby

The Cast: Michael Greyeyes, Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers, Forrest Goodluck, Kiowa Gordon, Olivia Scriven, Stonehorse Lone Goeman, Brandon Oakes, Devery Jacobs

The Story: The dead are coming back to life outside the isolated Mi'gMaq reserve of Red Crow, except for its Indigenous inhabitants who are strangely immune to the zombie plague.

The Review:
Over the last decade, the movie landscape has seen the rise of zombies as a full fledged genre and a steady streams of films have explored the subject in all kinds of different ways. From Warm Bodies to Anna and the Apocalypse, both studios and indie film makers have kept resurrecting bodies for a seemingly insatiable and blood thirsty audience. That being said, you would think that it might be hard to come up with an original idea when it comes to making a new zombie film and yet here we are thanks to the writing and directing prowess of Jeff Barnaby.

Placing the movie on indigenous lands and having the natural inhabitants be immune to the outbreak absolutely creates a scenario we have not seen before. Most of the movie sees the main characters protecting themselves from the world wide hoard by shutting themselves into a barricaded complex where no one gets in our out without being inspected thoroughly. The pacing goes from deliberate to moderate and never really picks up to the frenzied pace one might expect. Even during the film's climactic moments, there's sort of a melancholy air that is neither dramatic or emotionally effective.

What the director absolutely gets right is the gore. Bodies being mutilated and destroyed by all manner of various weapons make for great fun and Barnaby holds nothing back when it comes to splattering blood and guts all over the place. There are a few elements of zombie containment and destruction that are super creative and I had a blast with those moments especially. Overall, this is a reasonably entertaining movie and it's nice to see a cast filled with indigenous people, some who have worked with the director before, so I will definitely recommend it at least to fans of the genre.

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