Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Shed - 2019 BHFF Movie Review

The Movie: The Shed

The Director: Frank Sabatella

The Cast: Jay Jay Warren, Cody Kostro, Sofia Happonen, Frank Whaley, Timothy Bottoms, Siobhan Fallon Hogan, Chris Petrovski, Francisco Burgos, Uly Schlesinger, Mu-Shaka Benson

The Story: A group of bullied teenagers turn the tide when they discover a a sinister secret hidden away inside a backyard shed.

The Review:
The Shed is indie genre film making at its finest. Director Frank Sabatella takes a very unique idea, mixes in some timely social commentary, and comes away with a smart, funny, and extremely entertaining horror movie that should be a fan favorite as it chops, bites, and shoots its way through the film festival circuit.

The topic of bullying is something everyone is very present to and looking for ways to prevent from being a part of any kid's existence so inserting it as the driving force behind evil intentions was a very smart move by Santella as both write and director of the film. Aside from the more traditional horror elements, the story turns out to be an interesting exploration of the effects bullying has on people as well as how people react to it which, in this case goes to the extreme. 

From an effects standpoint, the film makers keep things simple mostly using practical effects and there aren't really any big action sequences that would necessitate CGI. Visually, the story looks like it could take place in any small town around the country which is complemented by cinematography that doesn't have any unnecessary stylizations or crazy camera tricks. It's like the film makers knew they had a fun and innovative story to work with and didn't feel the need to throw a bunch of extra stuff at the audience.

The Shed is about to create an entire generation of people who will be too scared to go get the much needed tool from that creepy little backyard building. Okay, maybe not but it is a lot of fun, has some good scares, and you should definitely check it out when you have the chance.

The Shed is an official selection of the 2019 Brooklyn Horror Film Festival.

To keep track of all my reviews, interviews and festival coverage please go to: TwoOhSix at BHFF 2019.

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