Monday, February 11, 2013

Two Oh Six Events: UYBC - Columbia City

Time to mark your calendars, the UYBC heads to Columbia City on Friday, February 22nd for another round of delicious food, awesome drinks, and general mayhem. Focusing on neighborhoods in and around the city of Seattle, this event series gives everyone a great opportunity to see new places, visit old favorites, and hang out with a constantly changing group of friends over the course of one fun-filled night.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Escape from Planet Earth - Movie Review

While the Weinstein Company is best known for releasing Quentin Tarantino films, they actually have a very diverse roster of movies that now includes an entry into the very competitive animated feature category. Escape from Planet Earth has a solid roster of voice talent as well as a full complement of all the latest technological bells and whistles that go in to making modern cartoons.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Identity Thief - Movie Review

Director Seth Gordon is hoping to have as at least much success with his latest effort, Identity Thief, as he did with Horrible Bosses, his surprise hit from 2011. Reuniting with Jason Bateman and pairing him up with the outrageous antics of Melissa McCarthy is definitely a step in the right direction, but the key to any successful comedy is being able to combine all the gut busting moments with a story that keeps it from becoming a series of sketches that never add up to anything worthwhile.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Beautiful Creatures - Movie Review

Beautiful Creatures is a movie adapted for the screen from a popular novel written by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. Director Richard LaGravenese had a tall task ahead of him in pleasing hardcore fans of the book while looking to draw in a new audience all while putting relatively unknown actors, Alice Englert and Alden Ehrenreich in the lead roles of Lena Duchannes and Ethan Wate respectively.

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