Saturday, December 10, 2011

Shame - Movie Review

Steve McQueen is quickly becoming one of the hottest directors anywhere with a style of film making that is redefining the cinematic experience. McQueen's debut feature, 'Hunger', shocked audiences with a brutally honest portrayal of imprisoned protesters during a hunger strike and Michael Fassbender's performance in the movie was universally praised. With 'Shame', the duo look to continue their success with an intimate look in to the life of a man dealing with personal demons as he takes in his troubled sister and her own set of issues.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hugo - Movie Review

If someone had told you that Martin Scorsese had just made a 3D movie starring a couple of kids, you might look at them with a fair amount of confusion. The statement is actually true, although this film is so much more than one might expect and yet the unexpected is what you should hope to find in a film like this.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Empire of Silver - Movie Review and Director Q&A

I was able to see this movie at a recent screening which featured a Q&A with the director herself. You will find some of her thoughts on the movie and answers to audience questions at the end of my review.

First time director Christina Yao has put together a beautiful movie that is equal parts love story, coming of age tale, and historical drama. Set in China during the late 1800's, Empire of Silver is the story of the Kang family and the banking empire that has been part of their family for generations.

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