Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Two Oh Six Events: UYBC - Georgetown

Time to mark your calendars, the UYBC returns to Georgetown on Friday, April 19th for another round of delicious food, awesome drinks, and general mayhem. Focusing on neighborhoods in and around the city of Seattle, this event series gives everyone a great opportunity to see new places, visit old favorites, and hang out with a constantly changing group of friends over the course of one fun-filled night.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Pacific Rim is Coming!

If you are not aware of how mind blowingly awesome Pacific Rim is going to be then all you really need to know is that Guillermo del Toro made the movie and it features giant robots fighting giant monsters.

Do you really need to know any more than that?!

Two Oh Six: Best of 2012 - Movies and Actors

For me, 2012 was the first full year of writing movie reviews and it was also a year where I was able to watch more movies than I ever have before. From midnight premiers at the Cinerama to film festival screenings in theaters all over Seattle, I took in as many as I possibly could and wrote a review for almost every single one.

Of course, there are always movies that stand out as exceptional experiences and acting performances that shine through as remarkable achievements and this is where you will find my list of the ones that stood out above all the others throughout the past year.

The Hot List