Wednesday, April 13, 2016

2016 Emerald City Comicon: The Recap

My adventures at the 2016 Emerald City Comicon can officially be considered a success and, after spending four days taking photos, watching panels, talking to people, making new friends, and enjoying the organized chaos and delightful atmosphere, this event provides, I have compiled a record of my experience for you enjoyment.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

2016 Emerald City Comicon: Day Four - ECCC Coverage

The final day of the Emerald City Comicon is always a mixed bag of emotions as attendees are tired, excited, happy to be there, and sad that it's almost over, all at the same time. For me, this was a day to get photos, talk to vendors, and make a few purchases before the doors closed and another year of fun would come to an end.

Monday, April 11, 2016

2016 Emerald City Comicon: Day Three - ECCC Coverage

My schedule for day three of the 2016 Emerald City Comicon was a little less hectic allowed for more time to just roam around so I could focus on absorbing all the fun happening all around me. This is also the busiest day so navigating traffic, lines, and panel scheduling also becomes more of a concern than any other day and your ability plan and pace yourself really comes into play in helping to make it a success.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

2016 Emerald City Comicon: Day Two - ECCC Coverage

Day two of my 2016 Emerald City Comicon adventure can definitely be considered a success as I got to do everything I wanted to and even saw a few friends along the way. This was a much more important day for panels and will probably be the biggest out of the four day weekend as my focus turns to cosplay photos and potential shopping.

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