Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Flight - Movie Review

It has been quite some time since Robert Zemeckis has directed a live action feature film and his return brings a lot of anticipation for a return to a quality standard that has given us such gems as Back to the Future, Forrest Gump, and Contact. Denzel Washington has also had a very storied career and his turn as the star of this movie also adds to the anticipation that Flight should be something truly special.

You'll notice, I did say "should".

Monday, October 22, 2012

Silver Linings Playbook - Movie Review

I've been waiting for both Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence to take on roles that would really allow them to show off their acting abilities since, up until now, we've mainly seen them in big time blockbuster movies playing the type of characters that don't really allow actors to go all in with their performances. While they have both done solid work to this point, I could always tell there was something more they both could give if they had the right characters to play. Silver Linings Playbook just happens to throw them both together into a story that is as oddly original as it is charmingly entertaining.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Skyfall - IMAX or Cinerama?

For those of you debating exactly which theater will give you the most bang for your buck when you head out to watch Skyfall, I have put together some information that may be helpful for you.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Top Five Super Hero Movies of All Time

Superhero movies have definitely gained prominence over the last several years with Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy and Marvel's The Avengers series of movies leading the charge. Both Marvel and DC Comics each have a nearly endless supply of super powered heroes to put in movies and an even more extensive catalog of stories to pull material from so its easy to believe that capes, cowls, and costumes will continue to be a major factor in future cinematic adventures.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Yelp Seattle Review of the Day!

Yelp is a great website for reading and posting reviews of businesses and also offers a great social network with fun events hosted by Yelp and its community members. Each and every day, one user-written review receives the honor of being named as the 'Review of the Day' and is featured on the front page of the website.

Today, I have the good fortune of receiving my sixth Review of the Day and below is a screen shot of this glorious moment. Thank you Yelp!

The Hot List