Have you heard the news? Emerald City Comicon and the Seattle Cinerama have partnered up to present an unprecedented night of movies they are officially calling the ECCC Cinema Series. This is going to be four straight nights of amazing movies with special guest Q&A's for each of them!
Tickets for each show are $25.00 each and are available on the official Cinerama website or at the Cinerama box office. Here's the breakdown of what movies are being shown and which celebrity guests will be on hand to answer your questions!
Thursday, March 27th at 8:30pm
The Princess Bride with Carey Elwes Q&A
Friday, March 28th at 8:30pm
Serenity with Alan Tudyk Q&A
Saturday, March 29th at 8:30pm
Dredd with Karl Urban Q&A
Sunday, March 30th at 8:30pm
Terminator with Michael Biehn Q&A

Check out the official Emerald City Comicon website for more information about these and other great events happening during Comicon weekend. Also stay tuned for all of my exclusive ECCC coverage which will be posted right here on TwoOhSix.com.
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