Circle is a science fiction horror movie written and directed by Aaron Hann and Mario Miscione who previously worked together on the 2013 mystery thriller TV show, The Vault. The movie stars Julie Benz, Carter Jenkins, Cesar Garcia, Mercy Malick, Michael Nardelli, Sara Sanderson, and Lisa Pelikan.
Showing posts with label Brent Stiefel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brent Stiefel. Show all posts
Monday, May 11, 2015
Circle (SIFF 2015) - Movie Review
Circle is a science fiction horror movie written and directed by Aaron Hann and Mario Miscione who previously worked together on the 2013 mystery thriller TV show, The Vault. The movie stars Julie Benz, Carter Jenkins, Cesar Garcia, Mercy Malick, Michael Nardelli, Sara Sanderson, and Lisa Pelikan.
2015 Movie Reviews
Brent Stiefel
Cameron Cruz
Cesar Garcia
David Saucedo
Gloria Sandoval
Julie Benz
Kaiwi Lyman
Marisol Ramirez
Matt Corboy
Michael Nardelli
Rory Uphold
SIFF 2015
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Grassroots (SIFF 2012) - Movie Review
"Grassroots" is a movie that tells the true story of struggling Seattle resident Phil Campbell (Jason Biggs) who, after losing his job at the Stranger, decides to become his best friend Grant Cogswell's (Joel David Moore) campaign manager for an unlikely run at a seat on the Seattle City Council in 2001. The film was directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal with an independent spirit that matches its subject matter and manages to entertain on multiple levels.
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