Thursday, February 10, 2022

Blacklight - Movie Review

The Movie: Blacklight

The Director: Mark Williams

The Cast: Liam Neeson, Aidan Quinn, Emy Raver-Lapman, Taylor John Smith, Claire van der Boom, Yael Stone, Andrew Shaw

The Story: Travis Block is a government operative coming to terms with his shadowy past. When he discovers a plot targeting U.S. citizens, Block finds himself in the crosshairs of the FBI director he once helped protect.

The Review:
Pretty sure we've reached that point where we might be better off without another movie where Liam Neeson pretty much does the same thing as the aging badass action hero guy who has a particular set of skills. I really feel like the excitement has been Taken away from the concept partly because we've seen it so many times and partly because it seems as if Mr. Neeson himself is no longer fully invested in this type of character.

The entire production feels like a master class in going through the motions with an emphasis on lack of originality and creating stale dialog. There are times when it seriously felt like the actors were reciting their lines in a very automated fashion and without much in the way of real emotion. I would like to say there are some redeeming qualities to the movie as well but there's really not.

One thing the movie does have is a lot of social and political commentary with white supremacists and big government being the primary sources of antagonism which makes sense in our current climate. Even with that in place, the entire story just seems like it was pieced together from other movies that have done all of it way better.

The Verdict:
Blacklight is yet another Liam Neeson kicks everyone's ass movie and I don't believe we really needed it. Time to move on from this niche that had been successfully carved out for the actor but all the bullets have been fired and all the punches have been thrown. The run is over. Until the next one comes out of course.

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