Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Entwined - Movie Review

The Movie: Entwined

The Director: Minos Nikolakakis

The Cast: Prometheus Aleifer, Anastasia Rafaella Konidi and John De Holland 

The Story: 
A doctor relocates to a small village and falls for a mysterious woman who lives in isolation due to a strange skin condition. As he falls deeper for the woman, he also falls deeper into a forest the surrounding forest that somehow refuses to let him escape.

The Review:
This is one of those movies that unravels and unfolds in some really strange and mysterious ways leading you into a tale as twisted as the branches of the ancient forest where the story takes place. Director Minos Nikolakakis keeps the movie at a slow, enchanting pace and draws you in with hints and subtle cues that pay off later on down the line. On the surface, the story is fairly interesting although I am wondering if there are layers of local folk lore that got past me and could have made for an even more engaging experience.

The run time for the movie is an hour and a half and for me the story seemed a bit long and drawn out like there just wasn't enough there to justify a full feature film although again that might be due to some of the folklore not registering. I would have liked to have seen more interesting character development and a deeper dive into the more mystical elements of the story. That being said, what we do get is a beautifully shot movie that may not scare the crap out of you but it also doesn't let you off the hook with an easy, happy fairy tale ending.

Entwined is a solid effort and worth looking into for those who enjoy dark fairy tales and other creepy magical forest type things.

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