Thursday, November 12, 2015

Seattle Shorts Film Festival - Preview Reviews (Part 4)

And now, the fourth and final installment of my Seattle Shorts Film Festival "Preview Reviews" which I will be releasing over the two weeks leading up to the actual film festival weekend. Each installment of this review series will feature a few of the short films that I have selected as my "TwoOhSix Picks" which can be seen by clicking HERE. The reviews you are about to read have been typed out immediately after watching each film so you are getting an honest and immediate reaction.

Clea Duvall stars in Shelter, a story about Petra, a woman who's prison sentence includes serving as a trustee at a local animal shelter. Director R.J. Daniel Hanna packs a ton of emotion into this 15 minute story and it definitely leaves you wanting to know more about Petra and her new friend. Duvall does a fantastic job in giving her character a more grounded sense of morality than anyone else in the film which is more than just a bit ironic for someone serving a prison sentence. Job well done to everyone involved.

The Haircut is about a teenage girl in the 1970's who is one of the first women to sign up for military service and what she must endure during her first day as a cadet. It was definitely appropriate to have watched this film on Veteran's Day as it does a great job of inspiring patriotism and the core values of our armed forces. Bailey Noble plays the lead character who is a very strong willed and determined young woman who has no problem fighting for what she wants.

If you were to throw together Wonder Woman, Iron Man, and Kick-Ass and then add in the fun and exuberance of Back to the Future, you might just end up with The Red Thunder. This film is only about five minutes long which is painfully too short as it makes you want to jump head first into this world so you can learn everything about it. Seriously, this is what super hero movies are all about!

Thank you for checking out my Seattle Shorts Film Festival "Preview Reviews" series now get out there and go to the festival! The Seattle Shorts Film Festival will be held at the SIFF Film Center in Seattle Washington on November 14th and 15th.

CLICK HERE to see Part 1 of my "Preview Reviews".
CLICK HERE to see Part 2 of my "Preview Reviews".
CLICK HERE to see Part 3 of my "Preview Reviews".


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