Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Chocolate (2008) - Movie Review

Yes, you've seen Tony Jaa in movies like Ong Bak and The Protector and he has blown you away with his high flying and brutal Muy Thai martial arts abilities. Prachya Pinkaew, the same director that made Ong Bak, also gave audiences "Chocolate", starring the amazing JeeJa Yanin, which I believe is actually a far superior movie.

JeeJa Yanin plays a teenage autistic girl named Zen who turns out to have a very interesting gift. She can pick up any martial arts skill just by watching other people practice it whether on TV or in the martial arts school that is next to her home. These new found and developing skills come in handy as a very odd story plays out involving her parents and the underworld crime figures that owe them money.

Her mother Zin falls ill and needs expensive medical care and the only way to pay for it is for the family to collect on the money that is owed to them. With her father Masashi banished to Japan, Zen and her best friend Moom decide to use her unlikely fighting skills to get the money from the criminals who don't really want to give it up...especially to a couple of seemingly harmless and slightly annoying kids.

The story is basically a way to set up the unbelievable choreography, acrobatics, and literally bone crunching fight moves that are put on display all of which will have your jaw on the floor all the way through the end credits which include some out takes that show real injuries that took place during the filming of the movie. One man was even taken to the hospital after suffering neck injuries after a very scary fall.

Yes, the movie is a little cheesy at times in that very unique way that Thai martial arts movies tend to be, but that just adds some lighthearted fun to go with the non stop action and amazing fight scenes.

Jeeja Yanin's next role will be in "The Protector 2" with Tony Jaa and will once again be directed by Prachya Pinkaew. She should have a great career ahead of her, but "Chocolate" will always be a defining moment.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen this film. It's Awesome. The portrayal of Autism is one of the best I've seen. The Martial Arts are good too. The story is most excellent. Everyone should see this film.

    Thrill wrote this.

    Posting as Anonymous is the only way I can post here.
